Commercial Work Boats Secure, Stable, Robust
The SeaRover design has seven separate tubes on the standard boats which create extra built in buoyancy, stability, safety. The hull design gives an excellent planning even with smaller engines. Incredible performance and lower fuel consumption. Constructed from High Density Poly-Ethylene mixed with Carbon for exception durability in all operating conditions.

18 Foot standard – Solid construction for many applications

21 Foot Standard Construction for many Inshore and offshore application

21 Foot Standard Construction with fully electric driven dropdown front for easy access

Searover 21D is Ideal for all sailability usage, Giving full wheelchair access to the boat and and adaptable Wheel house for wheelchair user to be able to drive

Water taxi
Easy access and a full waterproof cover allows full usage as a adaptable water taxi

Fish Farming
Searover 21D is Ideal for all fish farm usage, please conatct us for more information concerning this application

Search & Rescue
Drop down front Allows wheel chair access, safe recovery of divers and injured people from the water without further risk of injury and recovery of boats/ windsurfers

Work Boats
The Searover 21D provides a stable, reliable and accessible work boat

The Searover S21D provides a stable and versatile base ideal for various surveying applications

Searover 21D is Ideal for all fish farm usage, please contact us for more information concerning this application

Searover 21D is ideal as both a work and leisure vessel
Sales and Service
Searover utilise standard hulls which can be adapted to the customer’s individual requirements contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
Due to the construction of the hulls these boats are fully servicable and additional equipment can easily be added as your business changes. Contact Us for a review of your current boat.
For more information on any of our craft or aftersales service, please email andrew@polyfilters-group.com and we will get in touch with you.